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Fuji X-T20 & The Fujinon XF 23mm f/1.4

With my job I'm pretty lucky, because I can borrow and try out pretty much any gear I want as long as we have it in stock. We had the Fuji X-T20 in stock for a while, but it never really caught my attention until we got a delivery of Fujinon XF 23mm f/1.4. Having a spare minute at work I put the two together and snapped some photos. I was pretty impressed and decided to take that combination out for a bigger test. Since this was the first time for me using a camera of that style I didn't really have a plan or knew what to expect. Quite frankly I was really surprised. The camera lens combination is incredibly sharp. What I had to get used to was that all the settings were to be adjusted mechanically on the outside of the camera. It took me an hour to find the wheel for the exposure compensation haha. I started with photography on an APSC-Sensor, but the low light capabilities of the X-T20 are exceptional. Even at ISO 3200 the photos were still looking incredibly good. The 1.4 aperture on the lens certainly helped. Due to the crop sensor I wasn't expecting that great of a bokeh but the combination taught me better. At f/2.0 the blur was great and so was the sharpness. With a conversation of x1.5 due to the sensor size the 23mm of the lens were actually a 44mm on full frame. I really liked that framing for street photography. Being a little bit wider than the Nifty-Fifty but still far enough to not have to jump right in someones face. Beneficial is also the option to use the completely electric shutter which is basically un-hearable. The picture profiles that are included in the camera and are based on different types of film. I really liked that feature and in post I didn't have to adjust much, but put the profiles on - if lightroom was recognizing the photos. With importing the photos I had a hard time. First it didn't work, after an update it did, and later it didn't again. Using Adobe DNG converter I was able to use the files in LR but unfortunately not with any picture profiles :/.

I have to admit, being not to big of a fan of retro-style cameras I really loved this set up and I would definitely consider it using for regular street photography or environmental portraits.

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